Spreading Love, Light & Joy – Do You Feel Called?

The holidays are upon us, and it can seem everywhere we turn we are surrounded by events and things that really are not meant to be part of this season, much less our life (chaos, fear, anxiety, consumerism, etc.).  These very real life events and circumstances that we are dealing with can be both difficult to explain and comprehend.  I’ve been contemplating it a lot over the last few weeks.  How can I make a difference, how can I effect change?

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Maintaining Peace Even in Chaos

With the numerous events that have occurred in the last few days and weeks, sometimes we can feel so small and powerless in the midst of a seemingly chaotic world. We might ask, “how can I make any sort of difference?” As Paulo Coelho said, “The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.” NEVER let someone take away your voice! There are so many different ways to effect change.

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What is Success?

What is success? That either seems like a very easy question to answer, or one that requires you to really think about it (maybe there is even conflict in your life surrounding the idea of success). I’ve had a number of conversations with people recently that really center around this idea of success.

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